Handgun Safety: Things you Need to Know


While you are shooting your handgun at the shooting range or any place you can safely handle your firearm, always remember that there are rules and regulations in regards to firearms handling and safety. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of these rules and regulations that are usually used in a handgun safety course.

Always keep your handgun muzzle pointed in a safe direction

Make sure that you keep your handgun muzzle pointed in a direction where it is safe to shoot. It is the most basic rule when it comes to gun safety. If people handled a gun carefully and the muzzle is never pointed at something (or someone), that person has no intention to pull the trigger and shoot and gun accidents will be avoided.

It is a very simple rule, and it is up to you. Do not point your handgun at anything or anyone that you do not have an intention to shoot. It is crucial when you are loading and unloading your firearm. In the event that there is an accidental discharge, no injury will happen as long as the muzzle is of the gun is pointed in a safe direction.

If you are not sure about what safe direction means, it means that it is a direction where bullets can’t strike anything or anyone, taking into consideration the possible ricochets and the fact that the bullet can penetrate ceilings and walls.

A safe direction can be up or down. Not in a direction where anything or anyone that you have no intention of shooting at a target. Even when you are dry firing with a gun that is not loaded, you never, at all cost, point it at an unsafe target.

You have to make it a habit to know where you are pointing the muzzle of your gun every time you are handling them. Make sure that you are entirely in control of the direction where you are pointing them, even if you stumble or fall. The owners have all the responsibilities, and only they can control it.

To know more about gun safety, check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_safety.

Handguns needs to be unloaded when they are not in use

Any firearm needs to be loaded only when you are on a target range, on a shooting area or in the field of battle and ready to shoot your target. When they are not in use, including guns, bullets or ammunition, need to be secured in a secure place and separated from each other.

It is the owner’s responsibility to prevent unauthorized people, especially children, from gaining access to your ammunition or firearms. Unload your gun as soon as you are finished using them. A loaded handgun has no place near or in any form of vehicle or building.

Unload them before you bring them into your camp, car, especially your home. Whenever you handle a handgun to someone, make sure that you open the action immediately and check the chamber, magazine and receiver visually to make sure that they do not have live ammunition inside.

Keep the action open when they are in use. Do not assume that it is unloaded; make it a habit to check it by yourself. It is considered as a mark of an excellent and experienced gun owner. Do not climb a tree, cross a fence or perform any awkward action when you have a loaded gun in your hand.

When you are in the field, there are times that basic rules in gun safety and common sense will require you to remove the ammunition from your firearm for safety purposes. Do not push or pull a loaded gun towards another person or yourself. It is not an excuse to carry a loaded handgun in your holster or put on the case. If you are in doubt, always unload them.

To know how to handle firearm safely, click here for more information.

Do not rely on your firearm’s safety button

You have to treat all firearms as though they can fire any time you handle them. The safety button is a mechanical device that can fail like any mechanical device. And besides, the safety can turn off when you think it is on by mistake.

The safety button serves as a guide to the proper handling, but it does not serve as a substitute for your finger or your common sense. Do not handle firearms carelessly and assume that they will not fire just because you have the safety on.

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